Martigny  (CH)

I am a retired happy traveler, epicurean
, hiker, sportsman. I am also a thriller writer. Cook and caterer I love good food and wine. I am a non-smoker and respectful. I am a naturist and masseur.
I live in Martigny, Switzerland naturist completely, gay of course, i live alone. I like contact and discussion, exchange. My mother tongue in french not english, but I speak it i little.
I ts possible in my home to have sexual with guest and i make massage erotic too.

Martigny is a little city in Valis
with numerous restaurant bars, the start of hikes and skiing, an important cultural offer. Good communication with trains and aerport from Geneva.
I offer a single room in my apartment with a bathroom, use of the kitchen and a large dining room and living room. Wifi TV. Elevator and parking space. There is also a balcony. The house is very quiet. I like to welcome




50 CHF / night

35 CHF for 2 nights

location, contact & booking



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