The bathroom is shared.
Pets: I love too much to accept cats and dogs, sorry
Rubbits, fishes are welcome
Kitchen: on request I can manage dinners
50€ for 1 person
60€ for 2 breakfast included
Please send me a clear picture with some details about yourself
for more icons click "your host"
Use of the NGL website is free for guests and hosts. However, the operation of the site incurs costs and I would appreciate any donation. Thanks so much !!!
Please contact me for any sponsoring, too!
hier könnte deine Werbung stehen - für €5,00/Monat / Here could be your advertisement - for €5,00/month / tu anuncio podría estar aquí - por 5,00 €/mes / Voici votre publicité pour
This website is free for our hosts as well as for visitors. Nevertheless, the operation of the site incurs costs and time.
I am happy about any voluntary donation.