guest book

The hosts' guest books are used to rate a stay and not for messages and inquiries - as no sender can be identified.

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Fernando (Tuesday, 10 December 2024 00:50)

    Please add me to your guests book

  • #1

    Sadeem (Thursday, 08 April 2021 12:29)

    Hello ,
    I'm currently living in Phoenix. Im in Phoenix for a temporary stay for work (until end of May). Your listing came across my search. While looking for a clothing optional weekend.

    I'm interested in the second room. I wouldn't mind sharing a bathroom with you. I was just wondering of what kind of activities near this listing ? Are there any nice hikes? Would you be willing to show me around ? Can we do a nude hiking ? Also im not very familiar with Tucson, but are there any gay bar? Are they open?

    Thank you, and I look forward to hear from you.

@sadeem, @all

Entries in the guest books are generally displayed anonymously by the system. Even for me as the admin. Therefore, it is not possible for anyone to reply to entries because contact details are missing. The guest book is intended for reviews etc. Inquiries should therefore be made via the contact link that can be found at every host under "location & contact".